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Natural cosmetics is also legislated - I am a woman

Lately everything natural is fashionable.Natural cosmetics and artisan soaps were not going to be less, and that they contribute to the social interest of minimizing the harmful impact that other type of cosmetics, which contain chemicals, have both the skin and for the environment.

Many major brands include among their cosmetics natural ingredients in their recipes, such as jojoba oil, coconut or even rose mosqueta, however the reality is that they use them in a very low percentage and that makes the products they sell could not be considered asnatural, since they are accompanied in their formulation by another multitude of chemicals that far exceed the natural amount.What they do is use these ingredients claim.

But then, what is natural cosmetics?According to the founder of Soapoko, Gloria Méndez, expert in cosmetics and technical legislation in natural dermocosmetic: “There is currently no concrete or regulated definition of what is natural cosmetics.It could be defined as that cosmetics elaborated based on ingredients of nature itself such as vegetable oils, butter, waxes, essential oils, plants, and other natural additives.It is a cosmetics that could almost be eaten because it is made with natural products that we can even find in our kitchen, it has no chemicals.Normally this type of cosmetics are handmade products, handmade by artisans, not on an industrial scale ”.

La cosmética natural también está legislada - Yo Soy Mujer

So what is current legislation for natural cosmetics?

As conventional cosmetics, natural cosmetics also has to comply with a regulation that, in fact, is harmonized throughout the EU.So much so that there is an agency in charge of surveillance and compliance with it, and that agency is the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS).

This would imply that both the great industry and the small artisan.

So that, in this legislation, the training and knowledge that must necessarily have the person responsible for the product, as well as the conditions that the facilities where the cosmetic, the controls, the tests and quality tests of the quality of the quality of the quality of theproduct, labeling content and all administrative procedures.

But, unfortunately, this is not always fulfilled, since it is quite common to find artisans who sell soaps and cosmetic products that have actually not been analyzed.The same goes for internet.There are many online stores in which many cosmetic products are sold of which not sufficient information is provided to check if the company that markets them is complying with the regulations.But why does this happen?

Well, according to Gloria Méndez, “what happens is that it is easy to make natural and expensive cosmetics legalize it since the regulations are very strict, understandable issue because it is a product that you put on the skin.In order to sell a cosmetic product, it has had to be manufactured in a laboratory, following good manufacturing practices and must have undergoing analysis tests to assess the stability of the cosmetic, expiration, toxicity, microbiological, etc..It is expensive, but not impossible, since there are other ways to legalize the product.The artisan can begin to market their product by subcontracting the manufacture of its cosmetics to a laboratory.In our course for entrepreneurs in natural cosmetics we teach artisans to legalize their products and the different alternatives they have to undertake in this sector.Like any business, investment is always required.In most cases, these artisans are people with training and make very good products ”.

And, in our country there is no regulated training that prepares you for the development of this type of cosmetic products, although there are its own degrees offered by universities and other training schools.

“We have to give value to natural cosmetics because it is the best for the environment and our skin, the manufacturers of this cosmetics have to do it as true professionals who are, taking care and demonstrating to their clients that they care about their health.And that happens to comply with legislation and controls."Concludes.

  • Tags:
  • How to legalize the manufacture and sale of artisanal cosmetics

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