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Five Experts from the Stock Exchange advise you to invest in the last quarter of the year

After the reduction of Colombia's qualification, the market saw foreign capital leave. Algunos inversionistas anticiparon semanas antes las decisiones de las firmas calificadoras Standard & Poor’s y Fitch Ratings, otros se vieron obligados a retirar su capital como consecuencia del rebalanceo del mercado ante dicha coyuntura.


ProCaps Group completed its fusion with union acquisition and enters to quote on a stock market

Los vehículos de inversión que más se vieron afectados fueron los TES, debido al aumento de las tasas de interés, especialmente aquellos que vencen en menos de cinco años, mientras que en la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC) el índice bursátil Msci Colcap llegó a caer más de 12% año corrido y las acciones siguieron tocando precios mínimos.

The contrasts

Especialistas como Valeria Álvarez y Marcela Ramírez, traders de las comisionistas de bolsa Itaú y Acciones & Valores, respectivamente, coinciden en que el mercado se encuentra a precios de hace cinco años, por lo que las oportunidades de inversión y rentabilidad es amplio, especialmente, en aquellos emisores que se han visto rezagados.

However, Jorge Bernal, Trader and Specialist in Actions of Casa de Bolsa, highlighted the importance and good moment that the Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) or stock funds will begin, especially those that have exposure to foreign factors and that can be traveledIn Colombian pesos without the need to turn its capital to dollar.


Why are Bancolombia and Ecopetrol actions the most negotiated in the BVC?

Dentro de las recomendaciones para invertir también entran sectores como construcción, vivienda y financiero, además de activos como el oro.

Cinco expertos de la bolsa le aconsejan en qué invertir en el último trimestre del año

Diego Franco, head of investments in Franco Capital Management LLC, said that "the sectors that will be fundamental for economic reactivation, such as infrastructure, will have a good movement and return of capital, depending on the amounts that are destined for it".

Preferential Bancolombia and Ecopetrol

The Variable Income Strata considers that, for the last quarter, the bet is set in titles such as Ecopetrol, since the company's figures would be favored by a fairly optimistic panorama of oil.Species such as Preferential Bancolombia and Preferential Aval also stand out within the companies of the financial sector.It does not neglect the action of Grupo Energá Bogotá, which has a defensive position and serves as coverage in times of volatility.In the latter, a dividend for the year ascends to approximately 6% is highlighted for the year.

The species of the Aval Group


During the issuer's week, 3.442 Transactions of the Argos Group in Trii

According to Ramírez, the most lagging the Colcap actions are the ones that could have the best rebound.However, he considers that Corficolombiana actions can present an interesting behavior with a good return.Additionally, see the species of the Aval Group as a good option, although, recently, it has not rebounded enough due to the split that is worked at the Bogotá Bank. En cuanto a la inversión en bajos montos, ve en los Fondos de Inversión Colectiva (FIC) y en aplicaciones como Trii una posibilidad de entrar al mundo del mercado de capitales.


Ramírez points out that, when observing the graphics, it is evident that most assets are at prices three years ago, so “we are buying species of companies that have been growing for five years as if we were in 2018, levels in whichThe index is also found, ”he said.One of the assets they consider has a good future is Grupo Argos, a species that is 0.3 of its book value, which shows its low price and that remains for increase value.In general, he considers that the market is at a time of broad opportunities for any profitability horizon.

Interest rates attractive to housing

For the ex -asor of the extinct commissionist and stock market and economy specialist at the University of Los Andes, “in an inflationary environment such as the current one, the most interesting actions are those that manage to transfer the effects of this index to the consumer.An example of this are companies like Terpel and Ecopetrol ".Toro considers that another alternative remains the root property, due to the low interest rates and subsidies so that the youngest acquire a property.This can be an option, although a thorough study of each project is required.

ETFs with foreign exhibition

For the Specialist in Actions, 2021 has been a year that has presented minimum prices, so, during the last quarter of the year, all types of assets are expected to rebound considerably.However, Bernal sees the actions of Grupo Argos and Grupo Sura as two of the most attractive for the potential value they can show in the short term.Additionally, recommend the ETF (quoted investment fund) with international exhibition, bearing in mind that the elections can limit the local market, elements that would not touch these diversified funds.

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  • What are the stock exchanges for

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