The definitive guide to recycling: is separating waste in containers enough? where are the medicines thrown away?
Irene Sarriá
Comments7Committing to the environment has become something fundamental in today's world: giving a new life to the objects we discard or, when there is no other choice but to throw them away, getting rid of them in the least possible way. polluting are basic gestures of sustainability.
One of the keys to recycling well is to separate the waste at home, but with this good intention it is not enough and sometimes we can make mistakes. To achieve efficient waste separation, it must be done correctly. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) offers us the definitive guide to do it well.
Glass, the green container
When separating waste at home, we must dedicate a section to glass, but sometimes due to ignorance we generalize and deposit objects that cannot be recycled. The details are these:
Paper and cardboard, to the blue container
Mainly paper and cardboard should be deposited in the blue container, but there is certain residue that is sometimes found attached to these materials, and we must be careful.
Packages to the yellow container
We know that the yellow container is for plastics, but more specifically for containers. Here is a guide with what we can throw away and what not:
Container for organic matter and remains
In another container, which is usually the most common in all houses, we must deposit those organic or non-organic remains that are heavily stained with food. It is usually the gray or bottle green container depending on the location.
Special waste: where to recycle it?
For special waste there are different collection points or specific containers
The OCU offers a very useful tool that consists of a collection point search engine, to facilitate the task of recycling by indicating our province and population.
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