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Rivas clean points workers ask for more security against "continuous robberies"

Carmen, who works at the Clean Point on Fundition Street, tells Diario de Rivas that she is "low and in treatment for anxiety and stress".«All related to the situation we live at work.I cannot work in conditions in which I only cry for the fear that I have to these people, ”says the worker.

According to the testimony of this municipal employee, not only often occur robberies, but the young band of young people has attacked "up to twice" within the clean point of the man who steals alone."They have burned a leg with a lighter and again broke his nose," he says.

In addition, she explains that herself have been stolen on occasion personal.."Before an automatic door was installed in the office, my bag were stole.And also denounces "threats and insults" to workers by the drug dependent.

The accumulation of similar events led Carmen to a state of anxiety "incompatible with the performance of their functions".He asked for the volunteer at four months, but ensures that he could only work for a month before having to stop again."I could not.I am scared with the beep of a car, ”says Carmen.

Una solución

Carmen acknowledges that the municipal company has tried to respond to the demand for municipal workers to improve security at the clean point of Fundition Street, “where everything happens.Severo Ochoa's is calmer;At least they enter to steal when we are not working, ”he says.

One of these measures has been to put a security person in the last three hours of opening of the recycling center, where a person works in turn.However, for Carmen it is not the solution because "they come to steal at any time"."I have found one of the people who often steal sleeping inside the clean point," he says.

Trabajadores de los puntos limpios de Rivas piden más seguridad ante los «continuos robos»

Every time she or some of her companions detect one of these people inside the clean point of Fundition Street, they call the Local Police, who goes to talk to them and expel them from the premises."They tell us that they can't do much more.People who walked through the clean point already know that this is so and how do nothing happen, they return, ”he adds.

Concentration of clean point workers in front of the Rivas City Council (Photo: CNT).

Apoyo de CNT y CGT

The workers of the clean points that demand greater security in the recycling centers, especially in the foundry street, have the support of unions such as the CNT and CGT and also of neighbors by Rivas,.

In a statement, the southern regional section of the CNT and CGT denounced that "Rivamadrid workers have been coerced so that they do not get entrusting" in this issue.In addition, they refer to Carmen's case and talk about "fear in all workers".

They also explain both unions that "the situation has worsened, as the facilities are used to spend the night without home with drug dependence problems, even leaving food, clothing and syringes in the area" and point out that the "Labor Inspection hasRequested Rivamadrid to solve the problem, but the public company has not solved it ”.

Clean point containers of Fundition Street, in Rivas Vaciamadrid (© Diario de Rivas)

El Ayuntamiento de Rivas refuerza la seguridad

Rivas Diario has contacted the Rivas Vaciamadrid City Council, which confirms the "concern" in Rivamadrid for the increase in robberies in recent months.

For this reason, municipal sources explain, “security measures have recently increase.Among other actions, in addition to the presence of security personnel during the last month three hours a day, the side of the Municipal Sports Cerro del Telegraph has risen with a plate ».

Also, the session indicates, the closing schedule with police presence has been reinforced and security cameras have been installed throughout the perimeter to cover dead points and the maintenance area.And soon, Rivamadrid will raise the outer wall throughout its perimeter to hinder further incursions and prevent people who enter to steal before the local police arrive.

All these measures, point from the Rivas City Council, come to strengthen those that are already carried out at the Clean Point of Foundry Street since 2017.From then on, when this problem was detected in the installation, the entire perimeter wall was uptemplate.They are also carried out since then, confirm municipal sources, continuous inspections of work for psychosocial risk.

In other news:

Rivamadrid extends the mobile clean point service, which works now every day

Rivamadrid will launch its new mobile clean point from December 17

The Clean Point of the Fundition Street is ‘blinda’ against robberies

  • Tags:
  • My bag is stolen

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