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Alcalá de Henares Book Fair Program

On Saturday, April 16, the XXXV Edition of the Book Fair in theCervantes Square de Alcalá de Henares, one of the essential classics of the month of April in Alcalá, coinciding in dates with the delivery of the Cervantes Prize.

Read more: Dulzainas de Alcalá to inaugurate the Book Fair

One more year and with this there are 35 editions, in April and coinciding the events related to the Word Festival, the Alcalá de Henares Book Fair will start in theCervantes Square.

It will be installed there until next May 2.The opening schedule will be daily from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m..

Habrá un total de 15 stands ocupados por las siguientes librerías:

01 - Hon.Alcalá de Henares City Council.02 - Librería Gustavo Blázquez (Madrid).03 - Librería Los Molinos (Alcalá).04 - Melquiades Library (Alcalá).05 - El Henar Bookstore (Alcalá).06 - University of Alcalá.07 - Tourism Promotion of Alcalá.08 - Madrid Writers Association.09 - Domiduca Books (Alcalá).10 - Emanuel Bookstore (Madrid).11 - Dylar Ediciones (Burriana - Castellón).12 - Children and Youth Books (Guadalajara).13 - Traceditorial (Valladolid).14 - Zothique's boutique (Madrid).15 - Grupo Planeta.

As a special activity, on April 23, a copy of the work Cervantes and Alcalá of the official chronicler of the city Vicente Sánchez Moltó will be given, for the purchase of a book in the Stands of the Fair.

Around the Book Fair, multitude of activities have been organized, several of them very novel and interesting centered on children and free, such as a children's operatic show or writing workshops, puppets, emotional education, or evenBook manufacturing and binding;All of them in the Cardenal Cisneros Municipal Public Library.

Saturday 16

A walk through the world of Italian, French and German opera, and the Spanish zarzuela.Child introduction to the world of opera.From 5 years.Free entry.Limited capacity.BPM Cardenal Cisneros

Programa de la Feria del Libro 2016 de Alcalá de Henares

Original hors d'oeuvres in verse that may have happened in those times of the Golden Age in Alcalá, as imagined by the Alonso and Atila-No alkaline authors."El Moluete", "Zarabanda", "The Usurero and La Truhana", "La Casada", "Mudanzas" and "El Molino", during the inauguration of the Book Fair.Cervantes Plaza - Book Fair.

Musical accompaniment during the inauguration of the Book Fair in charge of this Alcalain group whose objective is to keep the popular music of this instrument alive.Cervantes Plaza - Book Fair.

In the surroundings of theCervantes Square, books, booksellers, authors, signatures, literary workshops and presentations meet.From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m..

Monday 18

ANIMATION AND INTRODUCTION WORKSHOP for children from 8 to 11 years, by Luis Mª Compés Rebato.Limited capacity.BPM Cardenal Cisneros

Tuesday 19

The thousand and one, creative laboratory.Concerted activity with school groups.From 7 years.Cervantes Square.Central Tent Book Fair.

Emotional Education Workshop.Child psicomundo for children from 3 to 5 years old.Limited capacity.BPM Cardenal Cisneros

Wednesday 20

Storytelling from 5 years.BPM María Zambrano.

Thursday the 21st

From the book cupid his own love story, by Annesdy Tellado.BPM Cardenal Cisneros.

Concerted activity with school groups.From 7 years.Three passes: 10:00, 11:00 and 12:00.Cervantes Square.Central Tent Book Fair.

The night of the books.Friday 22

Children from 3 to 9 years old.BPM Cardenal Cisneros.

The thousand and one, creative laboratory.Tales, rhymes and songs.From 4 years.BPM María Moliner.

Shadow theater, black light, objects, dolls and music.Limited capacity.ROSA CHACEL BPM.

From 4 years.BPM Pío Baroja.

From the book Rodrigo de las Eras, by Ramón L.Fernández and Suárez.BPM Cardenal Cisneros.

Saturday 23

From 6 years.Free entry hasta completar aforo.BPM Cardenal Cisneros.

Awards delivery I Short Story Contest Pies.BPM Cardenal Cisneros.

Monday 25

From the book Cervantes and El Quijote in Filatelia and the World Postal History (II Part), by Vicente Sánchez Moltó.Next Conference “300 years of the mail in Alcalá de Henares”, by Vicente Sánchez Moltó.BPM Cardenal Cisneros.

Tuesday 26

Concerted activity with school groups.From 7 years.Three passes: 10:00, 11:00 and 12:00 horas.Cervantes Square.Central Tent Book Fair

Wednesday 27

The thousand and one, creative laboratory.Concerted activity with school groups.From 4 years.Cervantes Square.Central Tent Book Fair.

Thursday 28

From 4 years.Free entry hasta completar aforo.BPM Eulalio Ferrer.

Saturday 30

Enchantment.BPM Cardenal Cisneros.

From the book Filatelic Tribute to the Security Forces and Bodies, by Manuel Moral Fernández.Next Conference "La Filatelia and Collecting", by Andrés Ordoñez Cámara.BPM Cardenal Cisneros.

More information:

Cervantes Square

Alcalá de Henares, World Heritage City

Cervantes Prize

2016 Word Festival Program

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