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Lorenzo Córdova lies and victimizes himself: Sergio Gutiérrez, president of the Chamber of Deputies Four inventors who repented of their creations: the most lethal weapons in history

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, affirmed that the INE's chief advisor, Lorenzo Córdova, lies and victimizes himself by pointing out that the electoral advisors were intimidated for thinking differently on the issue of revocation of mandate.

He affirmed that the actions that were taken at the time were not for "thinking differently" as he "cowardly points out".

In a message on his Twitter account, he assured that they were due to "illegal, premeditated and malicious actions" that implied a violation of a suspension of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

This Sunday, Lorenzo Córdova described as serious that the president of a power has filed a complaint against the councilors; He affirmed that it is an act that recalls "the worst practices of authoritarian regimes" and that the right to dissent is criminalized.

"That is why it is serious that the president of a Power, in which the plurality of the nation is also represented, has resorted to criminal complaints to try to imprison those of us who do not think the same as him...

“Persecuting public servants for making agreements and resorting to other powers to try to fulfill their legal responsibilities implies criminalizing the right to dissent. It is serious that in a democracy the apparatus of justice is intended to be used to intimidate those who are seen as adversaries,” he said in a video posted on Twitter.

Lorenzo Córdova miente y se victimiza: Sergio Gutiérrez, presidente de la Cámara de Diputados Cuatro inventores que se arrepintieron de sus creaciones: las armas más letales de la historia

Córdova recalled that criminal complaints against public servants are followed ex officio, so those made continue their course before the Attorney General's Office (FGR).

"Hopefully, the error will be corrected soon and those complaints about alleged crimes, clearly non-existent and that obviously only have political purposes, will be dismissed," he commented.

The president of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, presented, on December 23, a complaint before the FGR against electoral advisers who voted to suspend the exercise of revocation of mandate, due to lack of budget.

However, on December 29, he announced that he had withdrawn the complaint filed; He pointed out that after listening “with plurality, openness and good faith”, he decided to take all legal actions so that the criminal investigations do not continue.

A day later, on December 30, the General Council of the INE agreed to abide by the rulings of the federal Electoral Tribunal and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) that ordered it to continue with the organization of the mandate revocation consultation and resolved makes adjustments to the INE budget to carry out the exercise.

Gutierrez Luna tested positive for COVID

On another topic, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, reported that he tested positive for COVID-19.

He stated that yesterday he started with cold symptoms so he had a test done; he stated he will be at rest and pending at a distance.

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To understand better
>INE complies with the decision of the TEPJF and the Court; will continue with revocation organization
December 30, 2021
>Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies withdraws the complaint against INE directors
December 29, 2021

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