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The 'vintage' treasures of an Euskadi store that arrived at the Goya


En la industria de la moda actual, donde impera el 'fast fashion' - fenómeno donde las prendas parecen ser de 'usar y tirar'-, todavía hay personajes desconocidos que se salen de lo común y luchan con todo tipo de iniciativas contra este modelo de consumo irresponsable. Entre ellos, se encuentra Iciar Sertucha, una bilbaína que hace siete años decidió reinventar su negocio, una tienda de moda, para adecuarse a las necesidades del momento. «Me preocupaba este consumismo sin control en moda. No se puede estar comprando prendas constantemente, ponértelas dos veces, deshacerte de ellas y volver a comprar unas nuevas», expresa. Desde entonces, se desenvuelve con soltura en mercadillos del sur de Francia o Londres y en otros a nivel nacional. Incluso, encuentra tesoros en rastros parroquiales locales para ofrecerlos en su comercio de piezas de segunda mano, llamado Bombasi, ubicado en la calle Telesforo Aranzadi, en el corazón de la villa. Los tesoros 'vintage' de una tienda de Euskadi que llegaron a los Goya Los tesoros 'vintage' de una tienda de Euskadi que llegaron a los Goya

The shop window of the 'Bombasi' store in Bilbao./ Maika Salguero

While he puts his new findings with dedication, he warns that finding these unique articles is a matter of knowing where to look and have the 'trained eye'.«I have a gift, I see far beyond what is appreciated at first glance.Today, for example, when I was on the way, I found some old shoes in the garbage.The footwear itself could not be used, although it was possible to reuse the flowers that adorned it.They could give an air of distinction to any hat, ”he says, while testing with one that is placed on a small table in the center of the establishment.In the same way, he points out that it is a vocational trade."Many times, on Sunday, your only day off, you take the van, you go to a second -hand market to see 'what is cooked' and of course, you return from articles to the top.Sometimes, I also bring wonderful furniture or sculptures.In short, I sell everything I like, ”he acknowledges with a laugh.

ICIAR SERTUCH Hang a shirt in his store./ Maika Salguero

Los tesoros 'vintage' de una tienda de Euskadi que llegaron a los Goya

Among the wide variety of 'vintage' pieces that Iciar keeps in its store, there are rhinestones dresses from the very decade of the 70s and bags of large luxury brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Carolina Herrera or Gucci.«I organize the articles as I find more attractive.Although the garments do organize them for looks.Many times my clients ask me for advice, they want to know how to combine the garment that has fascinated them.Well, next to you they have a jacket that together perfectly, ”he explains.In addition, in a great glass showcase, jewelery is impeccable.«Right now is one of the best -selling products.Big slopes and rings are carried again and, of course, El Dorado ”, he declares.

The scope of ICIAR SERTUCH in its Bilbao store.

Update the garments

Finding the 'vintage' pieces in different second -hand markets is just a part of the work.The garments that are in perfect condition always go through the dry cleaners.Those who need a new button, for example, go directly to the workshop of a seamstress.In this way, the dressmakers are responsible for renewing outdated designs to give them another opportunity.«In this case, I indicate what I want.The style of the garments of yesterday has returned, although it is not accurate.There are some widths that have to be changed because they stay past, ”he says.Thus, it takes a dress with a Scottish print.«This has been taken to flight and centimeters of hip.Now the volumes are taken, but at the top of the garment.A dress always has to stylize ».

ICIAR SERTUCH shows a red dress in your Bilbao store./ Maika Salguero

Presence in the Goya

And it is that Iciar will hardly forget some of its products that passed through your store."I have a hard time taking off from them because I know they are unique," he says.Thus he recalls two spectacular rhinestones, one red and one indigo blue, which took Eva Amaral, the singer of the Amaral Group, a few years ago."They were true jewels," he says.The special nature of the dresses that Bilbao brings has made more than one bride take them to wear on their big day.In addition, it can already say well that their discoveries have had a presence in the great event of Spanish cinema, the Goya this year.«A woman approached the store, needed something very elegant because she was invited to the gala.Her husband was nominated for the best screenwriter.She was impressive, the entire look took: a black dress, gray coat ... to the shoes, from the firm Ackerman, and a handbag that was a jewel, ”unveils.

A 'vintage' necklace./ Maika Salguero

In the future, its greatest purpose is to continue discovering 'vintage' fashion treasures in markets of the national and international landscape, to be able to offer them later in their Bilbao store."Thus, I hope that at least my clients are gradually forget the devastating 'Fast Fashion' '," he clarifies.Likewise, let see how exhausting that is to put 'to fed' all the compilation of products that it keeps in the small premises.«I think as I continue like this, I will have to think about moving to a larger space.Although for me it would be a very hard step.It has cost me a lot of work to build this almost 'magical' environment », he concludes.


Bilbao, País Vasco, Moda, Premios Goya

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